Monday, September 25, 2017
Update! ANS Members discount for "Campaigning for Clean Air"
Update: Everyone can buy Campaigning from the American Nuclear Society!
I am so embarrassed and sorry. I was not aware that everyone can buy Campaigning for Clean Air from the American Nuclear Society! However, only ANS members can get the discount.
Whether or not you are an ANS member, please consider buying my book from the American Nuclear Society. If you are not a ANS member, you will pay full price. But you will support the society by buying it through them.
I am so sorry for the mistake I made in the earlier version of this post.
Campaigning for Clean Air in the American Nuclear Society catalog
I am happy to report that American Nuclear Society members can order Campaigning for Clean Air through the society. Here is the ANS catalog page which includes the book:
Here's the link to the actual page on which you would order the book. Note that you can order either the paperback or ebook version through the ANS. Both are sold with a 10% discount for ANS members.
I am very pleased and honored that ANS has chosen to distribute my book. If you wander around the ANS catalog, perhaps starting with the browse special publications page, you will see that most of the publications in the ANS catalog were published by ANS. It is a real honor for a non-ANS published book to be included in the catalog. A heartfelt "thank you" to ANS!
Other ways to buy Campaigning
I encourage people to buy Campaigning from the ANS. However, you can also buy it on Amazon or Nook or Kobo. You can also order it through many bookstores. Bookstores usually get the book from Ingram Spark distributors. Most books to date have been bought from these other sources. ANS provides a new way to buy the book. I am delighted that the book is available through ANS.
Looking up the links (to Kobo, etc.) was fun for me, because I saw positive five star reviews of the book. Not all my book reviews are on Amazon. I should try to remember that...
Some quotes from reviews:
If one wants a technical analysis on the technology, or the economics, or the history of nuclear power, this is not the book for you, although the book does have a list of recommendations if one wants to look further into those aspects. But if your question is more on, "but what can I do to help?", this is the book you want. Tony on the Kobo version
"In a time where nuclear power is facing strong economic challenges and more plants are trying to stay viable, Meredith’s book is a playbook that can help communities around nuclear plants reach out to tout the benefits of keeping the plants operating." JTwarog on the Nook version.
I found Chapter 17 of the book, "When it Doesn't Feel Like Enough" very comforting... There have been times when faced with massive public opposition to nuclear power I have felt that my efforts amount to nothing, that I am simply spinning wheels.... The book has much to offer to lift one’s spirits in face of demoralizing odds, and shows how you can be effective in “moving the needle.” RM on Amazon
I hope you buy my book, from the American Nuclear Society or another source. Most importantly, I hope you act on the ideas and hints in the book! Nuclear energy needs advocates, and it needs them now.