New Signs of Support for Vermont Yankee
One of the problem with being FOR Vermont Yankee is...what could you do about it? The opponents had signs and posters and pins and...
But that's old news! That was so Last Year. The New News is that Entergy finally got some signs together for plant supporters. Some signs, some bumper stickers, some campaign buttons, some refrigerator magnets. These all have a simple message:
Entergy quickly gave all their first-printing of these materials to local supporters. They ordered more, however, and the order just came in. You get some of these for yourself and your family. You can adorn your car, lawn, lapel and refrigerator with your support of the plant. Let's be visible!
The email address to ask for pins, bumper stickers, etc is here.
American Nuclear Society Blog
The American Nuclear Society (ANS) has a new blog. the ANS Nuclear Cafe. Cafe is a great word, because it means "a place to have coffee and informal meals" and it also means a place to have small informal public discussions. My husband and I have talked about starting a version of Cafe Scientifique in this area, but it has just been one-of-the-things-we-talked-about. I welcome the ANS Nuclear Cafe blog.
Well, I admit it. I also welcome it because I will be one of the bloggers. ANS acknowledges that what is happening in Vermont is important beyond the borders of Vermont. The new blog will include a View From Vermont on a regular basis. Howard Shaffer (often a guest blogger on this blog) and I will be co-blogging the feature.
Dan Yurman of Idaho Samizdat was instrumental in getting this ANS blog going. Dan and Laura Scheele of ANS Outreach will be in charge of it. Dan has a very informative post about the new Nuclear Cafe, listing some of the guest bloggers, including yours-truly. Rod Adams of Atomic Insights will blog about the view from Washington. The absolutely amazing Ted Rockwell of Learning About Energy will also be blogging. Also, Nuclear Cafe will host the Blog Carnival of Nuclear Energy once a month.
The blog is on my blog roll already, and I look forward to following it.
Double-espresso image from Wikimedia commons.
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