34th Carnival of Nuclear Energy
In the 34th Carnival of Nuclear Energy, Brian Wang has assembled a deep and world-wide view of nuclear.
The first two linked posts are Charles Barton's post at Nuclear Green. Barton demolishes Mark Z. Jacobson's views that nuclear war can be prevented by not building nuclear power plants. (I call these Mark Jacobson's views because Jacobson has such a proliferation of factual errors that I can't call his work a research paper.) Read Charles Barton's posts. Follow Barton with gun and camera, as he tracks Jacobson's errors to their source.
In more international news, Dan Yurman of Idaho Samizdat explains why the recent fuel recycling breakthrough in China is only a partial breakthrough. Writing as a guest blogger at ANS Nuclear Cafe, Yurman describes why India is looking to Russia and France for its nuclear technology, and how America has fallen behind. At Yes Vermont Yankee, I go international a bit, widening my view from Vermont to Iowa and all the way to England.
Brian Wang, once again, puts it all into perspective at Next Big Future, with posts on the Asian builds and China's grid upgrades. Wang also follows the fusion story. Many of us (myself included) have mostly given up on fusion, but new and hopeful processes are being developed. It is great that Wang keeps us abreast of the real progress.
Come to the Carnival! Enjoy yummy food-for-the-intellect, gathered for your mental pleasure. Watch nuclear grow world-wide. Be happy!
Welcome New Blogger! Guy Page and vermontpressconnections

Guy Page has started a new blog, vermontpressconnections. This blog covers the ever-changing Vermont media scene.
Page is a skilled newspaperman whose credentials include Burlington Free Press, Caledonian-Record, St. Albans Messenger, News & Citizen, and Chittenden Observer. He has also worked with many not-for-profits in Vermont, including the Vermont Lung Association, Vermont Alliance for Ethical Healthcare, and Coalition for a Tobacco Free Vermont. At Vermont Energy Partnership, Page supports Vermont Yankee with skill and clarity. He also regularly gets attacked for his support...see the comment stream on the article linked above.
When the Coalition for Energy Solutions (I am a member) published Vermont Electric Power in Transition, we wanted to do a press release and hold a press conference. Everybody we asked about press conferences told us that we should get in touch with Guy Page. They said that he had the best media contact list, and he would be able to give us the best advice. I am delighted to see him starting this blog. I expect his blog will be useful for everyone who does business in Vermont.
Welcome, 34th Carnival of Nuclear Energy. And Welcome, vermontpressconnections!
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