Rod Adams points out that as Fukushima moves from an INES 5 to a 7...zero is still a relevant number. That's the number of deaths to date.
Charles Barton at Nuclear Green discusses Chernobyl, and inherent safety features of the proposed Molten Salt reactor.
Idaho Samizdat describes the work of decommissioning Fukushima, and includes a guest post from Jacques Besnainou, CEO of Areva Inc., on the poor reporting and half-truths about MOX fuel.
At Next Big Future, Brian Wang discusses the INES numbering system, and the non-story of INES 7.
NEI describes nuclear workers in Japan and the U.S., referencing a New York Times story about ignorant farmers being hired to work in Japanese nuclear plants. Well, it's not that simple, really.
Gail Marcus at Nuke Power Talk describes the need for all sorts of energy.
Idaho National Lab has a video on nuclear safety.
ANS Nuclear Cafe features information on how the ANS Social Media list helped support accurate reporting, and also how new types of outreach are changing the conversation. The first post is by Margaret Harding, and the second by Suzanne Hobbs.
As I mentioned before, I also have a post about the evolution of our understanding of Fukushima at Yes Vermont Yankee.
Also listed in the Carnival, Nuclear Street has amazing pictures of the water line at Fukushima. Worth a look!
Enjoy the Carnival!
I will be offline for two or three days, visiting family for Passover. I wish a good week to all my readers, and a good holiday to those also celebrating Pesach.
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