58th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Blogs is posted at Next Big Future. As usual, this is a great compendium of the best of the blogosphere. Despite the New York Times snarky article, Dan Yurman points out that
bringing Bellefonte on-line will help TVA achieve its goals of closing coal plants, and the pressure vessel is already available.
Will Davis updates Fukushima information, while Margaret
Harding describes lessons-learned from the Japanese events. In one of my personal-favorite of this week's blog posts, Brian Wang shows that the "
babies are dying on the west coast from radiation" scare stories are bunk. Wang and Scientific American deconstruct the statistical manipulation of Sherman and Mangano, who posted the original story at the Al Jazeera English website.
Gail Marcus eulogizes Nobel Laureate Rosalyn Yalow, a pioneer in medicine who made huge contributions to the use of radiation in medicine. Ms. Yalow succeeded despite the formidable obstacles that she was a woman and a Jew. For obvious reasons, Yalow is the kind of role model that is dear to my heart.
There's more! There's more! A post about the Prime Minister of Japan (nuclear has to be part of the mix in Japan) and a post about progress on the fast breeder, and a post about the leadership of pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear groups. More interesting posts than I can possibly describe!
Come to the Carnival! It's a treat for young and old!
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