Before discussing the Carnival, let me start by reminding people that I have an op-ed, Vermont Yankee is Not Fukushima, which ran in the Keene Sentinel yesterday. I don't want anyone to say I ignored the anniversary and "just ran the Carnival again."
The Carnival
Putting first things first, Davis puts most important link right up top: his web page of links to major Fukushima accident reports, from all over the world. Let me recommend the ANS Committee Report on Fukushima, issued last week. It's one of the best. The report is clear, readable, and very helpful to anyone trying to understand the Fukushima accident.
As usual, Davis also leads off the Carnival with a mystery picture from his files. "What is this?" I didn't guess this one, but I had a clue. I almost-guessed. Davis must be making the pictures easier!
Much of the Carnival is about Fukushima, of course.
- Dr. Gail Marcus, who spent part of her career in Japan, has two posts: Fukushima, One Year and Post-Fukushima US activities. Both are worth reading, from the international and American perspectives.
- At ANS Nuclear Cafe, Les Corrice supplies a scorecard, rating the various Japanese investigative commissions.
- Also at ANS Nuclear Cafe, Rod Adams asks how we can fight the fear-uncertainty-and-doubt spreaders about Fukushima, and spread some facts.
- At his own blog, Atomic Insights, Rod Adams, shreds the "least informed piece on Fukushima to date." My question: how did Adams pick the least-informed piece? There's so much competition for that title!
- Meanwhile, at Idaho Samizdat, Dan Yurman writes that U.S. Nuclear Renaissance will be a marathon, not a sprint. The major reason: low natural gas prices. (If anyone doesn't realize that many climate change concerns are more political than practical, let's just look at the general "environmentalist" rejoicing that natural gas plant builds will outpace nuclear.)
- As usual, I write about Vermont. Two of my posts about the Public Service Board are in the Carnival, and Davis describes one of them as a "good laugh but a sobering post." You'll laugh, you'll cry...
- As Dan Yurman writes, natural gas may be outpacing nuclear in this country. That is not happening world-wide, though. Brian Wang at Next Big Future describes that the United Arab Emirates are expanding their nuclear build, and China is expected to join them soon.
- Brian Wang also posts about the planned U.S. build of a Hyperion reactor at the DOE Savannah River site. This rarely makes the main stream media news, so it's great that we have Wang to write about it.
And with that cheerful news, we end this week's Carnival
Come to the Carnival. Read the nuclear news from knowledgeable people! A feast for the intellect. Because of Davis's graphics library, this week's carnival is also a feast for the eyes.
Photo of Fukushima tsunami waves from The Telegraph
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