Please Contribute to the Energy Education Project
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Ethan Allen |
There are many worthy causes competing for your generosity, but Vermonters’ ability to support any and all of those causes depends on Vermont’s continued prosperity. Unfortunately, our prosperity is being sabotaged by misguided energy policies such as unrealistic energy "plans," ever-increasing subsidies for renewable energy projects, and state-sponsored efforts to shut down the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant.
The Energy Education Project of the Ethan Allen Institute needs your support this year with a $30 membership in our program. To donate by PayPal, you can click on the Donate button at the upper right corner of the blog, or click the Donate Button on this page of the Energy Education Project website.
The Energy Education Project
The Energy Education Project works to educate people about the real, science-driven energy choices we have, and cut through the hyped rhetoric about how Vermont can be instantly "green" at almost no cost.
Meredith Angwin is a physical chemist with twenty years of utility experience, and Howard Shaffer is a registered professional engineer in Vermont and New Hampshire, with over thirty years of utility experience. We are the two people who staff the project.
We have written op-eds, blog posts, brochures and other material to spread accurate information. We have made videos for YouTube and blogs. We have talked to Rotary and Kiwanis clubs all over the state. We have been on radio regularly, including WDEV, WCAX, WNTK, WAMC, NHPR and WHMP.
We have debated anti-nuclear activists at high schools, panels, and colleges in Vermont, including the University of Vermont. We have commented on the Vermont Energy Plan in print, at hearings, and on the radio.
We have a web presence with a Save Vermont Yankee Facebook Page, a twitter feed, this blog and an Energy Education Project website. We also contribute guest blogs to ANS Nuclear Cafe.
At the grassroots level, we staged rallies in Vernon to show that Vermont Yankee has supporters (yes, they do!), and helped pro-Yankee activists get positive press coverage with a few well-chosen media events.
Awards and Plans
For our energy education work, Meredith Angwin and Howard Shaffer received a major award in 2012: the prestigious President's Citation of the American Nuclear Society. This award acknowledges that our Vermont battles have national significance.
The Energy Education Project of the Ethan Allen Institute has been the most active and effective group educating people about important Vermont energy issues. For a prosperous Vermont tomorrow, for prosperous Vermonters who can support other worthy causes tomorrow, please support the Energy Education Project today!
Please, help us keep this good and important work going. Basic yearly membership in the Energy Education Project is just $30. A contribution of $200 will support the mileage and minor expenses for Meredith Angwin or Howard Shaffer for one month. $500 will fund copying, renting rooms for meetings, pizza parties for supporters, small ads about meetings, and so forth, for two months.
The Ethan Allen Institute is a 501(c)3 charitable/educational corporation, and your donation is fully tax deductible.
To donate, you can either send a check to the Energy Education Project/EAI at
PO Box 543,
Montpelier VT 05601
(please note "energy" on the memo field to direct the funds to the Energy project instead of the entire Institute, if that is what you want to do.)
or click the Donate button on this page to donate by PayPal.
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