Once again, we are proud to host the Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers, right here at Yes Vermont Yankee. The Carnival is a compendium of nuclear blogs that rotates from blog site to blog site, and it is always a pleasure and an honor to host it.
Today is Carnival Number 256. That's a neat number…it is two to the eighth power. I've always liked this number: perhaps because it is so easy to remember. The Carnival Carnival is posted regularly, once a week. Therefore, this number also represents almost five years of Carnivals: a true tribute to nuclear blogger perseverance and community spirit!
The News from Asia
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi goes shopping. From Neutron Bytes by Dan Yurman
The prime minister's short list includes nuclear reactors from France and uranium from Canada
One of the things the head of state gets to do when on an international, multi-nation trip is draw up a list of things to buy and bring home. In terms of a trip to France, this isn’t about bringing back vintage wines. For India’s POM Modi, it is about finally settling on the terms of a long pending contract for six nuclear reactors in Jaitapur, and getting the uranium to fuel them, which top the list
Evaporation is not the answer to Fukushima’s Tritium issue. From Hiroshima Syndrome Fukushima
Commentary by Les Corrice
It seems Tepco will look into any possibility for the reduction of Tritium-laced waters being stored at F. Daiichi in order to dull the pain from the constant socio-political bashing they suffer. However, the latest consideration is nothing more than an exercise in futility… the use of atmospheric evaporation instead of release to the sea.
The West Coast Story
Anti-Nuclear Climate Inaction: California. Northwest Clean Energy blog. Post by Andrew Benson of California, which was originally posted at Actinide Age blog.
The consequences of losing nuclear energy resources: this is a great piece by Andrew Benson via The Actinide Age. San Onofre closed. In consequence, greenhouse gas emissions from electricity spiked 35% while bureaucrats talked about replacement by "preferred resources" that may well never be brought on-line. This post is well-written, well-researched, and worth reading.
Is There Fukushima Radiation on North America’s West Coast? (Updated April 11, 2015) Hiroshima Syndrome blog by Les Corrice
Recently updated post on Fukushima contamination on the Pacific Coast. The post now reflects this week's initial discovery of innocuous cesium traces in shore samples taken at Vancouver Island in Canada.
Recently updated post on Fukushima contamination on the Pacific Coast. The post now reflects this week's initial discovery of innocuous cesium traces in shore samples taken at Vancouver Island in Canada.
The Pacific Northwest basically runs on public power. In this post, Energy Northwest honors two of its board members who will receive public service awards at the Northwest Public Power Association (NWPPA) annual conference. Executive Board Chairman Sid Morrison will receive the Paul J. Raver community service award, while Executive Board Member Senator Tim Sheldon will receive NWPPA’s John M. George public service award.
Can We Learn From History?
Atom and the Fault Atomic Insights blog, by Rod Adams
Rod Adams introduces a 1984 book by Richard Meehan titled The Atom and the Fault: Experts, Earthquakes and Nuclear Power.
Meehan is a geotechnical engineer who participated in several controversial nuclear plant projects in California, including Bodega Head, Malibu, and Diablo Canyon. Though the book discusses all of those projects, its unifying narrative centers around the six year long effort to renew the license for the GE Test Reactor at Vallecitos.
There is a new smoking gun included. (Note: "Smoking Gun" is Rod's keyword when he describes an example of the fossil fuel industry's efforts to destroy or discredit nuclear energy.)
Nuclear Anniversaries--April Another Exceptional Month Nuke Power Talk blog by Gail Marcus
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SNAP 10A 1960s |
TVA backs away from Bellefonte Neutron Bytes blog by Dan Yurman
The giant utility says won’t fund completion of the 1260 MW plant
In a new Integrated Resource Plan released for public comment this week, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) said it no longer has plans to finish the partially complete Bellefonte Unit I nuclear reactor for which construction started in 1974. With this decision the utility’s work to finish Watts Bar II later this year may turn out to be the last large reactor project at TVA for quite some time.
Is There Anything As Effective As Nuclear in Cutting Carbon Emissions? Well, no. Can We Learn From History?
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This is a useful cap |
Steve Aplin of Canadian Energy Issues reviews the problems plaguing two of the world's longtime carbon cap and trade systems and wonders why cap-and-trade remains such an automatic go-to plank in the green policy platform.
Thanks for the roundup!
James Greenidge
Queens NY
Correction! My commentary was originally posted at Nuclear Engineering International Magazine! It was reprinted at Actinide Age with my permission (and gratitude).
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