The latest Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is posted at the ANS Nuclear Cafe, and it is a great Carnival. It should be, because the American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting is happening this weekend, and the Carnival has a special edition for that meeting.
With the elections just over, Nancy Roth of Fuel Cycle week wonders if you can kiss cap-and-trade goodbye. NEI looks at a Republican-dominated House and asks the age-old question: So, is it good for nuclear?
Internationally, Vietnam wants to build a whole fleet of reactors, as reported by Cool Hand Nuke. (Think aluminum.) Dan Yurman at Idaho Samizdat notes that the Russians are still on the bidders list for the Czech reactor project. In America, two projects are for sale:
- Vermont Yankee, running smoothly, future license in doubt (reported at Yes Vermont Yankee)
- Calvert Cliffs, to be built, by somebody, as reported by Matt Wald of the New York Times

Meanwhile, the question "How much electricity does Ontario need?" revolves around natural gas prices, as described by Steve Aplin in Canadian Energy Issues. Rod Adams at Atomic Insights describes gas price volatility in America.
And more! And more! Liquid core reactors! Pacific Basin news! Come to the Carnival! Read all about it.
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