The 28th Carnival of Nuclear Energy is up at Next Big Future. This fascinating compendium of blogs covers some big international questions.
- Canadian Energy Issues reports that nuclear power is subsidizing gas and solar energy in Canada.
- ANS Nuclear Cafe shows that United Arab Emirates are on-track for new nuclear power plants, and working well with their Korean vendors.
- At Idaho Samizdat, Patrick Moore looks at the big picture, from early days of the environmental movement until today.
- Nuclear Green shows you how to track, in real time, the solar PV power output in Germany. Hint, it doesn't look very good, especially at night.
- This blog looks at where our energy will come from, once renewables are in place. Fossil and nuclear are still the majority of our energy supply.
- Brave New Climate watches energy projections through 2060.
- Next Big Future describes mining, commercial shipping powered by nuclear, and tracks nuclear energy production in 2008, 2009, and so far in 2010.

As usual, it's a feast! Far more nourishing than cotton candy and just as much fun!
I strongly urge you to remove that "Canadian Energy Issues" link as it appears to contain malicious code. I've left a comment on that blog; I doubt that the owner is aware of this.
Thank you, uvdiv. I removed the link.
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