Posts include:
- Retrospectives on the problems in Japan
- Fuel pools and spent fuel and the Blue Ribbon Committee in the United States
- Advanced systems such as Pebble Bed Reactors and thorium reactors
- Dangers of different energy technologies (including nuclear)
- Whether MOX fuel makes the Japanese situation much more dangerous
- The George Monbiot/Helen Caldicott debate (hint. Monbiot actually knows stuff.)
- Why you shouldn't take potassium iodide
- Probabilistic Risk Assessment:invented in America, it should probably be used more in Japan.
This is one GREAT Carnival, and thanks to Brian Wang for assembling it!
An Apology
I put up a post last night with a video of a tour of the Waterford nuclear plant. The Today Show toured this Entergy-owned plant, which has successfully weathered hurricanes.
However, the TV show took the video down, and my embedding failed. So I deleted my blog post. If you got an email alert about a blog post named "Waterford" and now you can't find the post, that's the reason.
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