Richard Schmidt and I will be on a radio show about Vermont Yankee on Tuesday morning next week. There will be two people in favor of the plant (Richard and I) and two who are opposed to its continued operation. The two opponents are a long-time opponent, Michael Daley, and a trainer with the American Friends Service Committee, Jeff Napolitano. I have met neither of them. A slightly edited version of the announcement is below. We will be broadcasting from Northampton, MA.
A link to a guest post by Richard Schmidt about strontium in fish.
The goal of the radio program is to focus on the issues surrounding the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, including the current court battle regarding licensing between VT Yankee and the State of Vermont, safety issues, environmental concerns, economic/employment issues, as well as energy supply matters.
The program will be live, and also recorded for a podcast at WHMP.com, which you can feel free to link to. Excerpts from the program will also be used in WHMP newscasts. Questions from callers and/or those in attendance at Sylvester’s will be entertained.
The forum will be a live, two hour broadcast on WHMP Radio with frequencies at AM1400/1240/1600 and FM96.9, covering the Northampton, Greenfield, and Springfield radio markets. The broadcast will take place from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 24th from Sylvester’s Restaurant at 111 Pleasant St. in downtown Northampton. http://www.sylvestersrestaurant.com.
The hosts of the program will be WHMP staffers:
- Bob Flaherty, Morning Show host
- Denise Vozella, News Director
- Bill Newman, Host of the Bill Newman Show (9 a.m. talk show)
- Mary Serreze, Reporter for WHMP and Northamptonmedia.com.
Panelists for this program will be:
- Meredith Angwin, Member of the American Nuclear Society, Nuclear energy expert, Blogger for Yes Vermont Yankee. http://yesvy.blogspot.com/
- Richard Schmidt, Chemical and Nuclear Engineer, resident of Westmoreland, NH
- Michael Daley, lifelong opponent of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant and a clean energy advocate. He lives in a solar-powered home in Westminster West, Vt.
- Jeff Napolitano, Director of the American Friends Service Committee in Western Mass, which hosts the Nuclear Free Coalition, and trainer for the anti-nuclear SAGE Alliance.
1 comment:
I'll say it again; why do folks like The Friends instantly assume anything atomic or nuclear is evil or anti-peace? (I guess nuclear space probes are anti-peace now!) Really! It's just got to be a philosophical (avenging Hiroshima by banning the atom?) than safety/health issue because nuclear energy's history and record just doesn't bear their concerns or nightmares out! In fact their public health concern seems a whole lot hypocritical by barking nuclear energy up a tree while fossil fuel pollution has and is sickening and killing people wholesale every year. Will they be as honest telling schools that?
James Greenidge
Queens NY
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