This Sunday, my op-ed on the Vermont -Entergy agreement was printed in the Valley News. I will reprint the op-ed on my blog in a day or so. For now, I encourage you to read it at the Valley News.
In this op-ed, I summarize the agreement between Vermont and Entergy. I described the four points of the agreement:
- State and Entergy agreeing to appear together before the Public Service Board
- Both sides dropping their lawsuits
- Entergy making payments to the state
- Resolution of some issues on decommissioning
Here's the op-ed:
And here's the docket, where you can read the agreement and you can comment.
Aww heck...here's the comment form, too!
Update: The op-ed was published this morning by Vermont Digger in the Commentary section. At VTDigger, it has a less catchy title, but one that better reflects the tone of the op-ed:
Entergy settlement before the PSB is good for the state.
The Valley News does not allow comments, but VTDigger often has long comment strings. I encourage people to comment.
I guess at this stage there's nothing else to do but kiss up and finish owing up to your executioner.
Well, forgive my contrarian view, but I have no inclination to "make nice" with anyone who has cost me my livelihood and brought hardship and suffering to my family and loved ones. I'm not a dog who licks the hand that beats it. I will stand against those who intend harm to me and my loved ones. They can KMA for all I care.
The headline writer at the Valley News wrote the words "Make Nice" and I admit I thought it was a cute headline. I suspect the actual negotiations were far more painful than the headline suggests. For example, at one point there were news stories that negotiations had broken off.
Well, they can all bugger off for all I care. Scumlin can take his "negotiations" and stuff them.
They can freeze in the dark.
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