Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nuclear Blog Carnival 121 Up at Next Big Future, and a Reminder about VSNAP

Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers 121 is up at Next Big Future.  It's a great look the new (LFTRs, reactors and regulation in India, fusion rockets) and the old (carbon database from world-wide fossil plants, the SLYCOR-Corning plant)  and the grid (bicycle chains and Trojan Cows).  Come for a visit!

VSNAP meeting tomorrow

If you are in Vermont, New Hampshire or Massachusetts, please consider attending the VSNAP meeting tomorrow night at Vernon Elementary School. The Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel meeting starts at 6 p.m.  Come early to sign up to testify.  Even if you don't speak, your presence will be a welcome sight for other plant supporters. (You will also be a pleasant sight for people who work at the plant and are required to attend these meetings.) You can read more about it at Two Upcoming Events: VSNAP and ANS.  I will not be at this meeting. Howard Shaffer plans to be there, along with other friends of Vermont Yankee.

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