Saturday, June 16, 2012

109th Carnival of Nuclear Energy at ANS Nuclear Cafe

The 109th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is up at ANS Nuclear Cafe.  Dan Yurman has put together a fine carnival.  Even the blog titles are great.  Here;s a post bout the incoming NRC chair: "Questions left on the hearing room floor"?  That's Margaret Harding's blog entry.

Steve Skutnik of Neutron Economy also has some questions for incoming NRC Chairman McFarlane.  I review the recent spent-fuel storage issues, and Dan Yurman of Idaho Samizdat reviews progress (or the lack thereof) at the Vogtle build.  ANS Nuclear Cafe submits a great post by Suzanne Hobbs Baker: Sowing the Seeds of Curiosity.  This is a new look at how we talk about nuclear energy"

Meanwhile, Atomic Power Review has a guest post on water hammer.  There's been speculation about water hammer at Fukushima. former ANS president A. David Rossin wrote the guest post.  A new blog has joined the Carnival: USA Cargo, based at the Fast Flux Reactor Test Facility.  The USA Cargo post is about Mark Peters of ANS. Peters testified to Congress that America is becoming dependent on foreign research about fast-neutron reactors that can consume spent fuel. (Sigh.  A good post.  However, I wish foreign research was the only thing that Americans were becoming dependent upon.  Foreign oil, maybe?  Around here, even the coal for many of our plants comes from South America.  At what point does free trade morph into energy dependence?  Not a question I can answer.)

Come to the Carnival. New voices, new thoughts, and questions left on the hearing room floor!

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