Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel Discussion and Carnival Update

The State of Vermont Considers Nuclear Safety

The Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel met on July 9 in Montpelier. They discussed nuclear safety. They quizzed Entergy  about whether they were making adequate changes to the plant post-Fukushima.

Listening, I felt I was in a time warp.  It's almost as if the court case hadn't happened.  It's almost as if the judge hadn't pointed out that Vermont has no jurisdiction about nuclear safety.  It's almost as if  nobody knows that the NRC has sole jurisdiction on that subject.

It's almost as if Vermont never learns.

I posted about the Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel at ANS Nuclear Cafe today: Vermont State Nuclear Advisory Panel: Safety Again!  Read it to find out about your state government at work.

114th Blog Carnival at ANS Nuclear Cafe

The 114th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers is posted at ANS Nuclear Cafe.  It's a great Carnival with a wonderful set of posts, including a whole bunch of people having fun disproving a study of "cancer deaths due to Fukushima."  I urge you to read the Carnival.

Meanwhile, at this blog, I am going to treat the Carnivals a bit differently.  In the past, I wrote a "pointer post" to the Carnival, along with a summary.   But alas. My pointer posts, however well-crafted, got only about a quarter (or less) of the page count as my regular posts.  So I'm trying something new. A pointer widget!

Dan Yurman was kind enough to supply the widget.  It's the woman with the mask in the right column of my blog.  In the future, within a regular blog post, I will remind people of the widget when a new Carnival gets posted.

I urge people to visit the Carnival.

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