Also, welcome to the revised Vermont Yankee website.
The Vermont Comprehensive Energy Plan, Thursday June 9, Springfield Vermont
The Vermont Comprehensive Energy Plan, Thursday June 9, Springfield Vermont
If you remember, newly-elected Governor Shumlin was shocked to discover that Vermont's energy plan included Vermont Yankee past 2012. As Governor Shumlin requested, the Department of Public Service is putting a new plan together. The Governor hopes to have the new Comprehensive Energy Plan on his desk by this fall. Here's the DPS web page about the plan, including links to various drafts.
Update: At first, I couldn't find the meeting information on the DPS web site.. However, there is a link to the meetings on the DPS web page. I thank Ed Delhagen of DPS for sending it to me. Forums to Focus on State Comprehensive Energy Plan Update.
I first learned about the meetings because I received an email as a member of the Hartford Township Energy Commission. The meetings are open to the public. I encourage people to attend the planning meetings and make public statements in favor of the energy type you choose (nuclear, I hope!)
I will be at the June 9 meeting highlighted below.
June Forums to Focus on State Comprehensive Energy Plan Update
***Your input is needed!***
Goal: Comprehensive Energy Plan to be Completed & on Governor’s desk by Oct 15;
Implementation of VT’s Energy Plan is the central piece of this work!
Community energy committee leaders, planners and the general public are all invited to attend one of the following:
- June 1 Montpelier 6-9 p.m. National Life. Co-hosted by the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission and Two Rivers Ottauquechee Planning Commission
- June 9 Springfield - Riverside Middle School 6-9 p.m. In cooperation with Windham Regional Commission, Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission and the Two Rivers Ottauquechee Planning Commission
- June 16 Rutland Leahy Center at Rutland Regional Medical Center 6-9 p.m. Co-hosted by the Rutland Regional Planning Commission, Addison County Regional Planning Commission and Bennington County Planning Commission
- June 28 - Colchester - Colchester High School - 6- 9 pm
(Email from Bob Walker of SERG. Thank you to Mr. Walker for sending this email.)
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold the annual review meeting about Vermont Yankee at Brattleboro High School on June 22, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. To find out more about the meeting, go to the NRC website. There's a calendar headed Public Meetings: if you click on June 22, you can find out more about the meeting. The agenda is:
- Introduction Discussion of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station performance in 2010(10 minutes)
- Discussion of U.S. plant safe operation in light of Japan event (10 minutes)
- NRC to address public questions (time as needed)
- Closing Remarks (5 minutes)
These meetings are great gathering places for plant opponents. Sometimes their remarks are quite humorous. Last year there was an exchange about "Was the fish alive when you caught it?" Or had the fish died of radiation poisoning first?
Plant supporters are often too intimidated to show up. If you can show up and make a public comment before the NRC, it can balance the situation at least a little. I plan to be there.
A Modern Website for Vermont Yankee
Vermont Yankee has put some time and thought into its message in the past few months. The Vermont Yankee website has been totally revamped recently.
The new website is much more appealing, and includes links and an email sign-up area. Vermont Yankee is also on Twitter now @Vermont_Yankee. As far as I can tell, they joined Twitter yesterday. Check out the new media!
There are two thousand Germans who would have been better off with irradiated food just recently...
Joffan. Yes. On the other hand, it is the policy of many nuclear opponents that the world "should" have fewer people. (Apparently, they get to decide this.) So, the Germans who became ill or died--well, just part of the bigger plan.
I do not mean to imply that all nuclear opponents feel this way about population. A significant number do, however.
A much larger number than the "population reduction" set feel hostile towards food irradiation, despite the obvious safety implication.
There is a happy conjunction of objectives with regard to population. One of the few morally-acceptable options for population control via reducing number of children is increased standard of living (and also, in a virtuous cycle, improved education for women). And better standards of living are associated with strong infrastructure, which in turn is supported by reliable energy supply, which nuclear can supply.
Joffan. Of course you are correct.
An earlier blog on the subject of prosperity and energy.
Bumper sticker – “More Germans have died from organic beansprouts than nuclear power plants”.
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